Amelia Iris Forster RIP

Amelia Iris Forster: born 31/10/12, died 26/01/13.

My daughter died last night.

It was the most awful experience I have ever been through, and not something I ever want to go through again. No one should have to experience that, and for all those who have, my heart goes out to you. She died in our arms, as peacefully as she could, and I don't think she felt any pain in the end. But it was hard, awful, and I can't get those last minutes out of my head. With time that will ease, and I'm remember her the way she was when she was getting better. For now, we will deal with the grief, sort out her arrangements, and allow life to move on to whatever happens next.

We are both strong and coping well all things considered, and I know we'll get through it, but for the moment it is painful, tearful, and bloody hard. We were lucky to have our families with us yesterday, which gave us the support we needed to see us through the day. Our thanks and love go out to them.

Thanks to everyone who said kind words and prayed for us.

Thank You All.

Simon, Lorraine and our beautiful and sadly missed daughter, Millie.

Amelia Iris Forster
Born 31/10/12
Died 26/01/13


  1. Truly terrible news Simon. My thoughts are with you and Lorraine. I hope you both find strength and comfort from each other. I hope too that the treasure of Millie's life will forever outweigh in your hearts the grief of her passing.

  2. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for you and your wife.

  3. My condolences Simon. I think David put it better than I could. I am sorry for your loss.

  4. My deepest sympathies to you and your family Simon.

  5. This breaks my heart. I don't know what to say, except that my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

  6. I am thinking of you, your wife, and your family. I cannot think of anything more heartbreaking. I echo the wise and kind words of David.


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Thank you, and may the Gods go with you.

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