City Tour: The Temple Quarter

The Church of Divine Flesh The Temple of Light The House of Dreams The Music Hall Lårs Dig The Maze The Ancestors' Tree The Jewelled Halls The Crimson Church House of Cards Winter-Hold The Pious Pilgrim (tavern) The Holy Chalice (tavern) This is the final part of the tour, through the most diverse of all the quarters and districts of the city. Some call Godsend the City of a Thousand Temples , and this quarter is why. No one knows how many temples, churches, shrines and monasteries are to be found in the TEMPLE QUARTER. The main ones haven't changed or moved in centuries, but smaller ones come and go, with the waxing and waning of faiths. And it's not just the established, recognised and respected religions; there are numerous cults, hidden in plain sight, worshipping all sorts of demons, devils, and chthonic gods. They're constantly being banished or stamped-out, but new ones replace them, and other sects take over their preaching. It's ...